A good old quote…

“Our earth is degenerate in these latter days, bribery and corruption
are common, children no longer obey their parents and the end of the
world is evidently approaching.” –Archimedes, 210 B.C.

  1. #1 by Peter on August 7, 2006 - 11:25 am

    Ecc 7:10 Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.

  2. #2 by Diane Feucht on August 9, 2006 - 5:16 pm

    Woah! I’m not the only one that reads this blog!!!

    And the end of the world is actually approaching now… just wait for my evil plan to rule the world kicks in.

  3. #3 by Mom on August 14, 2006 - 8:33 am

    I thought the quote was from Harold Camping. 🙂

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