Ich muss ein paar Pfunde abtrainieren!

I’ve lost 1/5 of my needed weight for the year! Yay! Unfortunately, the first little bit is the really easy bit to lose. Hopefully, I’ll actually be able to stay on track.


Software — you can always fix it…

Finally got sick of the way that Firefox under Mac handled tabbing in web forms. It had an irritating feature where combo boxes are “skipped” when you’re tabbing from field to field. It turns out it’s a default setting… In about:config change (or create) the setting accessibility.tabfocus and set the value to 7. Works like a charm. Yay for simple fixes. Now, why the default release of Firefox for Mac doesn’t include this is beyond me.
Here’s the thread that Google finally turned up.

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Happy New Year!

Ho hum — been a bit slow on the blog posts of late. Okay, well, November 20th was the last one. To be fair, I did start a post in draft format and I never actually made the post. And then I accidentally lost it and I can’t even remember what it was about.

Lots of new stuff and yet, not really all that much is new. I took the GRE in mid-December. Did well enough to most likely get into the graduate program that I’m looking at. Not stellar, but good enough. Now I just need to figure out what classes I will need to take to be considered fit to begin. The problem is that my undergraduate degree is in “Computer Information Systems” which isn’t really Computer Science. It’s a bit weak on the in-depth computer programming and particularly the math. I’m not too concerned with being able to do the catch-up, but it just feels like a waste of time.

The wife and I have been busy around the house trying to get things straightened up and to our liking. Lots of painting projects. I think we’re almost done. I keep saying that, and this time I hope it’s true. We’re still a “young couple” and we have WAY too much stuff. It’s kind of sad… Stuff accumulates and starts to drag you down with all the maintenance and organization that it requires. I think a good policy to help address this issue is to only buy replacement stuff and to get rid of the old when you’ve purchased the replacement. It’s hard to do though. Old stuff has some value and it’s hard to part with it.

On the geek front I’ve been fairly stagnant. I did spend some serious time getting into some Python and in particular Django and TurboGears— both are web development frameworks that run on Python. It’s a lot of fun but it’s hard to squeeze in time to practice. I’m hoping to implement one of these solutions down the road a little bit on one of my work projects where I have some freedom to choose the implementation. I was able to get into using AJAX with PHP for one of my last projects. It was sloppy code and very non-object oriented but I was able to get a good feel for designing template-driven websites using PHP and play with some AJAX libraries like Script.aculo.us and others. I also looked at Ruby on Rails again but didn’t get far on that either. All fun stuff and I’m sure that much of it is valuable for the future, but it’s hard to tell how much of it will morph between now and then. I’ve been trying to advance my C# skills but I don’t think I’m getting too much new done with it. We’ll see how that goes…

I’m hoping to stop biting my finger nails (filthy habit) and drop some weight this year. I started off the year with a nasty cold that has convinced me to stay out of the gym. It’s not hard to convince me. Oh, and there are still cookies that need finishing off and you’re supposed to feed a cold, right? I’m trying to prep for taking some Microsoft Certification exams, get ready for graduate school, and get in shape for possibly joining the Air National Guard. Maybe by the time I next post, I will have accomplished one of those goals. Or maybe I’ll actually start posting regularly!


When it rains, it pours

Today was not a good day. I did not get enough sleep last night and was out of the house by 4:30am. I then proceeded to get blamed for a major “incident” at work which was actually something that I had been assigned to do by another manager. Then I got raked over the coals for a report that apparently didn’t meet snuff (although, evidently it wasn’t read very clearly since all the things they said to correct were in fact already in the report I had given them). I was unable to solve the one trivial and unimportant problem that I had hoped to tackle today and got tied up at work so I had to leave a little late. Traffic was absolutely the worst I have ever seen and it took me 2.5 hours to get home. I went out shopping with my 2-year old son who proceeded to steal some butter from Safeway and smear it all over himself and the cart when I wasn’t looking. On the way out the door, I got the largest paper-cut I’ve ever seen from the receipt.

Oh, and it’s pouring outside.

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Interesting thought…

I was talking with a friend recently about “vision statements”. I’ve never liked the sound of them and I always thought that it sounded a little silly. It’s all the rage now for businesses to write up their vision statements (which they promptly rewrite at least once every year). However, upon further discussion, we came to the realization that everyone really does have a “vision statement” — a goal, an objective — some “destination” that they use to evaluate issues and make decisions. Everyone has one but few people I think actually really think about what their vision is. If your vision is “to make a lot of money” it’s a vision statement — but not one to be proud of. I think that if nothing else, having to write down a vision statement lets you have a concise and concrete evaluation method that’s much more honest. We stop making decisions from our intution (which is really just basing them on our unstated vision statement) and we have to look at situations in a more rational way.

Good stuff…

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Sleepless in D.C.

It’s just a little past 10:00pm… Tonight was rather uneventful. I’m out on the East Coast this week for work plugging away at some stubborn software bugs and trying to make some sense of our development methodology in the process. We’re not terribly organized and it’s been a pain trying to figure out where we are.

I picked up a pack of Franziskaner beer — tasty (but a wee bit strong). Let’s hope the rest of this post makes sense.

At church, the Sunday School I’ve been going to for the last few weeks has been on “Christian Art and Creativity”. I’m not a huge fan of the class and I feel that something is missing. In general it seems that so few Christians have any understanding of what art is or what it’s all about. We’ve basically learned that forms (like certain geometrically pleasing shapes and proportions) make “good” art. I personally find this totally hokey. I know want to know, what is art and what makes it good or bad. I was rather annoyed that the lecturer completely wrote off Picasso as being a modern idiot who scribbled down way too many silly “paintings”. Now granted, his style seems odd to me (and just about everyone else I know) but he DOES convey useful and good things through his art (and yes, I believe it is art). Gordon Clark in this article says that the purpose of art is expression and as Christians we should express truth. Art that’s chaotic and purposefully random seems to be in defiance to this. But is Pablo random or without form? No! He has form and in fact uses this form to make some interesting art. Even the “blank canvass” variety of modern art is surely of some value if the artist attaches a meaningful statement that reflects some truth or meaning (in this case the art is both the picture and the description).

Anyway — it’s getting late — better get some sleep.


[Insert Post Title Here]

This is a test — I’m trying to post to my blog from Writely — Google’s new online word processor. Very neat stuff — The interface is really impressive. It’s amazingly snappy to. Let’s see how this works…

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A good old quote…

“Our earth is degenerate in these latter days, bribery and corruption
are common, children no longer obey their parents and the end of the
world is evidently approaching.” –Archimedes, 210 B.C.


From Slashdot re: the newest Wireless Exploit (that gives root on OS X)

by Daniel Dvorkin (106857) *
on Thursday August 03, @10:36AM (#15839578)
Windows users are always accusing Mac users of smugness, but there’s nobody more smug than a Windows user observing that one (1) particular security vulnerability has been found for Macs. This strikes me as akin to someone with AIDS being smug because some previously healthy person has caught a cold.

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